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Customer Journey Mapping: Creating B2B Customer Journeys That Deliver Results

Understanding your customers’ journey is vital for any B2B business looking to optimize its processes, create better experiences, and increase sales. In this post, we’ll explore the concept of customer journey mapping, its various types, and how to create one for your business. 

What is a Customer Journey Map?

A customer journey map visually represents the entire customer journey, detailing each touchpoint and interaction. This powerful tool helps businesses to:

  • Identify pain points and opportunities for improvement
  • Enhance the customer experience
  • Streamline processes and reduce customer effort
  • Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Boost customer acquisition and retention

What is Customer Journey Mapping?

The customer journey is the complete series of steps a customer takes when interacting with a business, from initial awareness to post-sale interactions. This journey can be broken down into the following stages:

  1. Awareness: The customer becomes aware of your brand or product.
  2. Consideration: The customer compares your product or service to competitors.
  3. Decision: The customer decides whether to purchase your product or service.
  4. Purchase: The customer completes the transaction.
  5. Retention: The customer continues engaging with your brand, potentially becoming loyal.
  6. Advocacy: The customer refers others to your brand and shares their positive experiences.

But a customer journey map goes even beyond the stages of the buying process to provide a holistic view of the customer experience. It captures various aspects of the customer’s interaction with your brand, including:

User actions: These are the specific activities and behaviors that customers engage in at each touchpoint or stage. User actions help you understand how customers interact with your brand and navigate their journey.

Emotions: Customer journey maps highlight the feelings experienced by customers at each stage of their journey. Mapping emotions allows you to empathize with your customers, identify areas that elicit negative feelings, and work to enhance the overall experience.

Pain points: Pain points are the challenges, frustrations, or obstacles customers encounter throughout their journey. Identifying these pain points helps you understand where customers may struggle or face barriers, enabling you to prioritize improvements and address these issues.

Solutions: Solutions are the strategies, tools, or interventions you implement to address the pain points and enhance the customer experience. By incorporating solutions into your customer journey map, you can visualize the impact of your actions and ensure that your strategies align with your customers’ needs.

In summary, a customer journey map not only outlines the stages of the buying process but also delves into user actions, emotions, pain points, and solutions. By incorporating these elements into your map, you can better understand your customers and develop more effective strategies to improve their experience with your brand. This holistic approach ensures that you address your customers’ needs at every stage of their journey and foster long-lasting relationships that drive business growth and success.

Types of Customer Journey Maps

There are several types of customer journey maps, each with its focus and purpose:

  • Current state map: This map documents the existing customer journey, highlighting areas for improvement.
  • Future state map: This map envisions an ideal customer journey, outlining the desired experiences and touchpoints.
  • Day-in-the-life map: This map focuses on a single day in a customer’s life, capturing their experiences and emotions throughout the day.
  • Persona-based map: This map tailors the customer journey to specific customer personas, considering their unique needs and preferences.
  • Touchpoint-focused map: This map zooms in on specific touchpoints, providing detailed insights into individual interactions.

Choosing between the different types of customer journey maps can feel overwhelming. By focusing on your objectives and business needs, you can find the perfect map to navigate the world of customer experiences. Here are some tips to help you choose the right map for your business:

Align with your business goals

Ensure the type of customer journey map you select aligns with your overall business goals. For instance, a touchpoint-focused map would be ideal if your primary goal is to improve customer satisfaction at specific touchpoints.

Define your objectives

Are you looking to analyze and improve your current customer experience, or are you more interested in envisioning an ideal future journey? Your objectives will be the guiding light that helps you decide which map best suits your needs.

Gather relevant data

Consider the data sources available to inform your map. Some map types may require more comprehensive data, while others focus on specific data points. Choose a map that aligns with the data you have access to and can effectively inform your mapping process.

Be open to experimentation

Feel free to experiment with different map types. Your first choice may not always be the best fit for your organization, and trying out different maps can help you find the one that best suits your needs.

How to Create a Customer Journey Map

Follow these steps to create a customer journey map for your B2B business:

  1. Define your objectives: Determine the purpose and goals of your customer journey map.
  2. Identify your customer personas: Create detailed profiles of your target customers, including their demographics, behaviors, and preferences.
  3. Outline the customer journey stages: Break down the customer journey into distinct stages, such as awareness, consideration, decision, and retention.
  4. List touchpoints and interactions: Identify all the points at which customers interact with your business, both online and offline.
  5. Gather data: Collect relevant data from various sources, such as customer feedback, web analytics, and CRM systems, to inform your map.
  6. Map the customer journey: Visualize the entire customer journey, including touchpoints, interactions, and emotions, using a format that suits your needs (e.g., flowcharts, diagrams, or infographics).
  7. Identify pain points and opportunities: Analyze your map to pinpoint areas where customers face challenges or where there is potential for improvement.
  8. Develop improvement strategies: Create action plans to address identified pain points and capitalize on opportunities.
  9. Monitor progress: Continuously track the impact of your improvements and make adjustments as necessary.

When creating your customer journey map, these are the components you should consider incorporating:

  • Customer personas: Use detailed profiles of your target customers to ensure that your journey map accurately reflects their unique needs, preferences, and behaviors.
  • Channels and touchpoints: Include all channels and touchpoints through which customers interact with your business, such as your website, social media, email, customer support, and in-person interactions.
  • Moments of truth: Identify key moments in the customer journey that significantly impact customer satisfaction and loyalty. These moments often represent opportunities for your business to make a lasting impression on your customers.
  • Metrics and KPIs: Incorporate relevant metrics and KPIs to measure the success of your efforts and track the impact of your improvements over time.

How to Map Customer Journey Bottlenecks

Bottlenecks in a customer journey map are areas where customers experience friction, challenges, or delays that negatively impact their overall experience with your brand. You can prioritize improvements and optimize the customer journey by identifying these bottlenecks. Here are some telltale signs of bottlenecks in a customer journey map and examples of what they could be:

High drop-off rates: If you notice a significant decrease in the number of customers progressing from one stage to the next, this may indicate a bottleneck. For example, a high bounce rate on your product page could suggest the content could be more engaging or informative to keep visitors interested.

Longer-than-average time spent at a specific stage: If customers spend an unusually long time at a particular stage, this could signal a bottleneck. For example, if it takes long for customers to complete the checkout process, there may be issues with the payment gateway, form design, or loading speed.

Negative customer feedback: Customer complaints or feedback indicating dissatisfaction at a specific stage can point to a bottleneck. For example, customers may express frustration with the complexity of your account registration process or the need for clear instructions on using your product.

Low conversion rates: If the conversion rate at a certain stage is lower than expected, this might indicate a bottleneck. For example, if a few customers are requesting a demo or signing up for a free trial, it could be due to a confusing sign-up process or insufficient information about the benefits of your product.

Poor performance metrics: Low customer satisfaction scores, high churn rates, or low customer lifetime value at specific stages can be signs of bottlenecks. For example, customers might be canceling their subscriptions due to inadequate customer support or difficulty using your product.

Redundant or repetitive tasks: If customers perform the same tasks repeatedly or interact with multiple touchpoints that serve the same purpose, this could indicate a bottleneck. For example, customers might be reaching out to multiple support channels (e.g., email, live chat, and phone) to resolve a single issue due to inconsistent or unhelpful responses.

Lack of engagement: Low levels of customer engagement at certain touchpoints might signal a bottleneck. For example, if customers are not engaging with your email campaigns or social media content, it could be due to irrelevant or uninteresting content, poor targeting, or an unclear call to action.

It is essential to analyze the underlying causes and develop targeted improvement strategies to address these bottlenecks. Identifying and resolving bottlenecks in your customer journey map can enhance the overall customer experience, increase satisfaction, and drive business growth.


Customer journey mapping is an essential tool for B2B businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their customers, identify opportunities for improvement, and optimize the overall customer experience. You can uncover critical insights and make data-driven decisions that drive growth and success by creating detailed maps tailored to your unique customer personas and touchpoints.

Remember to continuously update and refine your customer journey maps as your business evolves, ensuring that your strategies stay relevant and effective in meeting your customers’ needs. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and addressing pain points throughout the journey, your B2B business will be well-positioned to foster long-term relationships and thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

Identifying an accurate customer journey and its bottlenecks can be challenging, especially when deeply ingrained in your own operations and processes. Partnering with an experienced agency brings a fresh perspective, allowing for an unbiased analysis of your customer journey. Growthland specializes in identifying bottlenecks, understanding customer pain points, and providing tailored solutions. If you would like to learn more how to effectively optimize your customer journey, book a time for a discovery call.